Future Ready Learning
GEMS World Academy, Singapore, November 14 - 15
Impart digital-age skills and improve learning across the curriculum
Our presenters are professional practitioners with a wealth of experience delivering engaging workshops. These workshops are rooted, not only in contemporary educational theory, but in actual classroom practice.
Technology in the classroom
Impart digital-age skills to students in your care and improve learning across the curriculum. A variety of sessions on offer allowing you to plot an individualized best course based on short Discovery session trials of the sessions available during DEEP dives in the afternoon. See below for more detail. More here
Differentiated Instruction
We pride ourselves on bringing the best of many worlds together. We are confident you have never attended a professional development event where such emphasis has been placed on giving you the ability to craft your own personal experience. We make it our business to ensure the greatest possible value through differentiation for each participant.
Normally $399 full price
Early Bird $249 until October 12th
Regular Price $299
Includes meals and refreshments
Takeaway Projects are put in place to ensure optimal learning. We help you develop something to take back to your school, ready to implement.
20-minute Discovery Sessions in the morning allow you to learn something new and enable you to make informed choices about which afternoon sessions best suit your unique environment.
60-minute DEEP Dives after lunch allow you to gain further insight and take your learning to a deeper level.
Sean Thompson
Crowdsourcing Curriculum: The Digitally Literate Educator
What is a Digitally Literate Educator?
Here is your chance to be part of something new, fresh, crowdsourced and impactful. Help design a curriculum for producing digitally literate educators using computational thinking strategies with teachers from across the region!
We are all convinced. We need to leverage digital technology to support and prepare our students for full participation in the “21st century”.
Let’s assume we all agree that integration is the most effective approach.
So then…
What are the fundamental skills and ideas?
What is it that we, as educators, need to know to best support students?
How do we prioritise such a list?
The purpose of this session is to crowdsource ideas from practising educators to create a document to share with all participants to take back to their schools; a template of what we think is best, in the order we think would be most effective to standardise a skill set tied to pedagogical best practices.
To be clear about this. We are creating a framework that we think will be best for all teachers starting from scratch to follow if they wish to become digitally literate educators. It is my further hope to use this as a yardstick by which to measure a curricular work-in-progress based on the thoughts of teachers in the classroom.
Employing computational thinking strategies we will tackle the problem based on the data collected in the Discovery Sessions.
We will:
Use itemised lists from the morning Discovery Sessions to prioritise skills/understandings
Bundle them into authentically cohesive groups
Tie them to curricular outcomes and ISTE Standards
Start drafting a potential program of study for teachers to follow towards becoming digitally literate educators
All documentation will be shared with the entire assembly of participants as a takeaway gift to schools.
Taking you further with cutting edge sessions and experiences like these:
Virtual Reality Keynote
Roll up your sleeves and get ready to experiment with virtual reality using your complimentary Google Cardboard in the Day One Keynote.
Hands-on, right from the start!
Paul Welsh
Immersive Media
Participant's challenge will be to create Photosphere images on Android phones for viewing with Google Cardboard and sharing with Streetview. Given a file from a Ricoh Theta M15 camera participants will steps through the workflow of posting a 360video to YouTube that can be watched from any direction.
Wesley Przybylski
The Amazing Race!
Travel the world and complete group challenges in this fast-paced gamified google experience. Take on easy or hard challenges and gain points for your team as you learn the ins and outs of google tools and transformed student learning opportunities. Are you game?Travel the world and complete group challenges in this fast paced gamified google experience. Take on easy or hard challenges and gain points for your team as you learn the ins and outs of google tools and transformed student learning opportunities. Are you game?
Brady Cline
The iPad creative studio - personalized learning for music and digital cinematography
By now, many schools are using iPads to create student videos. More than ever before, students are taking ownership of these creative projects, and many students develop a strong passion for digital cinematography and music production. These students are looking for ways to extend their skills, but AV equipment is often complicated and expensive Even if it can be funded, expense and complexity leads to the need for more adult guidance and less student innovation. In this session, we will explore how to build a simple yet powerful iPad studio for high quality productions that can be used with minimal adult support. We will also discuss how programs such as this overlap with the maker movement both philosophically and in resourcing. And of course, we will learn by doing by making our own high-quality videos and songs.
Mike Pelletier & Dion Norman
Common Sense Media: Digital Citizenship & Literacy
Explore the great resources offered by CSM and how many schools are using this developed curriculum to benefit the entire school community. Informing parents, students and teachers with daily news about the challenges faced by the use of digital tools in schools and at home and how to offer solutions when issues arise.
We will deep dive into the lessons offered at all grade levels, how to communicate this to staff and parents, and look at how to become a Common Sense Media School. Discover the other tools offered by CSM that benefit all members of the community.
Emily MacLean
Set Your (Google) SITES Higher
An incredibly hands-on approach to Google Site Creation and usage in an educational setting including sample sites (templates vs. own creations), discussion of how people use sites in the classroom as well as handy tips and tricks. The DEEP Dive focuses on creating your own site covering fundamentals such as choosing a colour palette, creating a banner, custom backgrounds, embedding gadgets... ou name it!
Joe Teft
Enviro EdTech
We will be exploring how we can use different technological tools to deepen our understanding of the world around us, develop a sense of place within our school community using technology and connecting to other environmental educators.
We are going to go outside, find some sit spots, and start the process of developing a sense of place, using different EdTech techniques. After that we will work on developing what an ideal "green" campus looks like.
Wayne Burnett
Coding in the Early Years
During the Discovery Session, participants would be exposed to Scratch Jr and the discussions around learning coding in school. With available iPads participants will try a few commands. The key, however, is to demonstrate that coding with the right tools is available for children as young as 4 years old.
I tell my students they are going to tell a story. Then I give them the tools to tell that story, using Scratch Jr. Participants would be given the same challenge, but would have mini lessons interspersed with story building time to give them more and more tools. By the end of the 50 minutes, they should have the hang of most of the Scratch Jr. toolkit.
Heather Dowd
Tell Me with a Graphic
In the DEEP Dive, we’ll practice our graphic design skills by using the design tools and rules to create something. It will be a mix of me showing different tools and participants playing with them. Together we will brainstorm ways we can apply this to our classrooms.
Chris Smith & Susannah Wilcox
First Steps to a Paperless Classroom
Participants will experience how the app Moxtra can be used as a two way street for communication and content delivery for teachers and students. Participants will see how this app can be used to also form small, collaborative groups between students as well as teachers. This app is a one-stop shop for assimilating digital content in the classroom.
Participants will be given challenges to complete with the most essential tools to get moving towards a paperless classroom. We will also facilitate teachers getting through the initial set up steps so that they are ready to introduce the app straight away in their own classrooms come Monday.
Chris Smith & Susannah Wilcox
Capturing Student Learning Across the Curriculum
In Pic Collage. participants will learn how to choose layouts, add text and photos, and create original shapes using the camera and cut features. In addition, participants will be able to see over 100 different examples of how students have used Pic Collage to demonstrate their learning across the curriculum.
Using Explain Everything, participants will be able to see how students can create tutorials on a variety of topics across the curriculum, to demonstrate their learning and understanding. By the end of the session, participants will have good foundational knowledge of the apps and will be equipped to introduce the apps to their own students.
Dion Norman & Tim Studlo
Model Mash-up for Authentic Technology Integration
What do you do with technology in the classroom? Teachers will use a Collaobrative Google Doc and discussion to think about what they do and shift the discussion from app or task based learning to focusing on 21st Century skills (using ISTE as a reference).
Embracing hands-on learning, teachers will explore what it means to teach deeply, with specific examples of what this can look like in their own classrooms.
Wytze Niezen
Flipping the Classroom
This session addresses the place of the "Flipped Classroom" in the digital-age. Particiapnts will produce screencasts using GoogleChrome or iPads, begin planning units of work and incorporating flipped components to their practice to discover the advantages of this approach. Effective creation and use of interactive YouTube instructional videos also plays a pivotal role in this session.
Sean McHugh
Classrooms as Social Networks (Interthinking)
Possibly the most exciting aspects of the digital-age are the kinds of activities that encourage the unique ‘peer to peer’ interactions between students, and/or the teacher, within a shared, online space. The session will summarise the basis for this practiver from recent research, and share actual examples of classrooms interthinking using social networks from Grade 2 on iPads to MS and HS, crossing all sorts of subjects and curricula.
Teachers will experience interthinking themselves, before collaborating on creating provocations themselves that they can use with their own students the following week. Participants will determine a suitable online environment to use that works for their institution (GSites, Wiki, Google Classroom, Blogger, etc.) and set up an online 'interthinking' space to use with their students.
Egmond Boon
Designing MakerSpaces and Starting a STEAM Approach
Innovation in the 20th century relied largely on genius in the areas of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). In the 21st century, Art and Design are already playing a huge role in the next wave of economic and global transformation, and Entrepreneurial skills are proving to be vital in expanding STEM to STEAM.
A Makerspace is our garage or laboratory and provides access to tools not found in the regular classroom. Here, students use the elements of the Design Cycle(Inquiry/Developing/Creating/Evaluating) for hands-on projects, and “the art of making something” is refined through practice and by doing.
This session will focus on the process of designing MakerSpaces employing the STEAM approach to promote design thinking, learning by doing, a culture of teamwork and collaboration and project-based learning experiences.
Davis Apas
Automating Your Data
How do you collect and automate data? How do you present it? In the discovery session we will explore ways to automate the data you collect before learning the skills needed to take that data and create simple programs with it.
Davis Apas
Learn to Code in YOUR Class with Scratch
Ever tried coding but turned down by all the syntax you need to memorize? Ever wondered if coding would be suitable to your students? In the discovery session we will explore the ways you can use Scratch in the classroom. Then we will focus on find stimulating resources and building our own sandbox programs. Take a risk and model how to tackle unknowns for your students.
Brendan Burke
Automating Technology & Homework: Making Lives Easier
Want to give relevant homework, have it marked for you and get an idea of what the students are not understanding with little effort? In this session you will experience a homework session as a student would. Using two readily available web-based platforms, a task will be assigned on Edpuzzle and a follow up activity on Kahoot. You will then have the opportunity to design your own tasks to use on Monday. This session is further based on flipped classroom principles and current academic research on homework.
Keriann O'Rourke
Feedback and Reflection - Leading a Pathway to Student Self-Discovery
In this session, educators will explore the ways that feedback and reflection can help students to develop skills and become more accountable for the quality of work they produce. Together, we will explore contemporary pedagogical techniques to provide effective feedback to students, and examine how reflective practices can help them develop deeper understanding. Educators will discover the power of providing immediate feedback, self check-ins, and exploration of student development through video, annotative, and reflective practices to help students develop their work further than before.
To experience this, educators will be given an example of student work to annotate to provide feedback using the Google App VideoNo.tes as a starting point for the DEEP Dive session.
Jay Thompson
Using Digital Communication Platforms to Engage Learners
With over 500 years worth of content being consumed on Youtube everyday, it is clear that video communication is a fundamental part of our modern lifestyle. When combined with the right pedagogical practices, these tools have the ability to engage users, connect across boundaries and promote deeper levels of collaboration. No mater what subject you teach, the age of your students or the level of access to technology in your school, it is important that students are provided with opportunities to engage with information in a way which connects with their interests.
In this session we will take a hands on approach exploring tools such as Google Hangouts and its ability to offer live and pre-recorded video streaming with simple setup. We will explore real-world examples where video creation and broadcasting is integrated into everyday pedagogical practices. Leave your inhibitions at the door as this session will see you both in front of the camera and behind a computer, experiencing how broadcasting to a live, interactive audience can create authentic, engaging learning opportunities.
Tara Linney
A Whole New World
We all want to show our students the larger world, but our schools’ budgets can’t cover the flights. I’d like to show you a new way of getting students to see the rest of the world. We’ll accomplish this by using tools such as Google Maps, Geoguessr and Google Cardboard.
Participants will get hands-on experiences with Google Maps to discover the ways in which math instruction can be taught, in regards to area and distance. We will then move into the integration of data in Google Maps to illustrate ways in which survey data points can be plotted within a map. Next, we’ll move into a premade Geoguessr game, where participants will guess where locations are based on the details in a movable picture.
Once we have completed the Geoguessr game, we’ll move into creating their very own game using Geosettr. Finally, to conclude this workshop, participants will create their very own Google Cardboard. This contributes to the beginning efforts of a Makerspace, as it gets participants thinking about the ways in which this maker activity could occur in their very own class. With Google Cardboard, participants will see how they can create their own virtual experiences which can then be shared with their class(es). As a bonus, participants will be able to take home the Google Cardboard that they created during the workshop.
Julie Jamaludin
Toss the Textbook, Customise Your Own iBooks
Explore the flexibility of Book Creator for uses as simple as photo editting, all the way to a highly personalised class resource books. Book Creator can be used to add creativity to simple tasks and be applied to any subject across all grade levels. It is incredibly easy to use with even your youngest students. Book Creator enables teachers to make learning universal, personable and accessible as well as allowing students to capture their on going progress in an ePortfolio or process journal. You need to try this!
Darren Campbell
Story Telling with Keynote
Using the Instant Alpha tool and the animation tools in Apple's Keynote software, we will examine how you can make an animated story book using original art and sound effects. Participants will have the opportunity to create art based around a story or use premade art. They will then apply the skill of using instant alpha, timing animations and hiding video for narration and sound effects.
Shaun Kirkwood
Bringing the fun back to class with stop motion...
There are so many ways to use stop motion across the curriculum, be it in science, language, math... The aim of this session is three fold. To show you ways you can integrate stop motion into your curriculum, secondly how relatively simple it is using the iPad, and finally how engaging and how much fun it is. The session will be light hearted with lots of great activities you can take back to your class and use straight away on Monday.
Kieron Eaglestone
'Badgering for Better'
The debate continues to rage about the effectiveness of intrinsic motivation versus extrinsic. But why choose between them when your students can identify and measure the progress they are making, without a grade in sight? Make an average piece of work excellent, self assess it and apply to earn your own badge in the Discovery session. If you are quick off the mark you can peer assess and award badges to fellow participants.
Identify how badges could work for you.
Develop your own criteria.
Design your own graphics.
Create a badge group all ready to go.
Workshop Objectives
To discover innovative teaching and learning strategies that lead to higher levels of student achievement through collaborative, inquiry based best practice.
To engage in a collaborative, participant centered experiences rooted in constructivist practice.
To experience current digital tools and innovative ideas through hands on challenges and collaboration.
To participate actively with 21st century tools and cutting edge pedagogy to share with colleagues upon returning to school.
To create a professional atmosphere in which participants can collaboratively develop skills and understandings to inform more effective teaching.
To facilitate sustainable professional learning communities and engender attitudes of fearlessness in teaching practice.
The goal of this conference is to create sustainable communities of passionate educators that choose to learn and share their experiences. All DEEP Learning conferences follow our unique format in which you choose your own path with six different Discovery sessions in the morning designed to help you decide which DEEP Dive sessions you will attend in the afternoon. These challenge-based focus sessions are further designed to support the development of a takeaway project or toolbox to help you maximise your conference experience upon returning to your school.