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Workshop Objectives


  • To discover innovative teaching and learning strategies that lead to higher levels of student achievement through collaborative, inquiry based best practice.

  • To engage in a collaborative, participant centered experiences rooted in constructivist practice.

  • To experience current digital tools and innovative ideas through hands on challenges and collaboration.

  • To participate actively with 21st century tools and cutting edge pedagogy to share with colleagues upon returning to school.

  • To create a professional atmosphere in which participants can collaboratively develop skills and understandings to inform more effective teaching. 

  • To facilitate sustainable professional learning communities and engender attitudes of fearlessness in teaching practice.

The goal of this conference is to create sustainable communities of passionate educators that choose to learn and share their experiences. All DEEP Learning conferences follow our unique format in which you choose your own path with six different Discovery sessions in the morning designed to help you decide which DEEP Dive sessions you will attend in the afternoon. These challenge-based focus sessions are further designed to support the development of takeaways or a toolbox to help you maximise your conference experience upon returning to your school.

Malaysia 2016 Eventbrite

Interactive Keynotes and Plenary Sessions


Roll up your sleeves and get ready to experiment with virtual reality through a design thinking aprroach.


Hands-on, right from the start!

Please contact for payment by money order or bank transfer.
Differentiated Instruction

We pride ourselves on bringing the best of many worlds together. We are confident you have never attended a professional development event where such emphasis has been placed on giving you the ability to craft your own personal experience. We make it our business to ensure the greatest possible value through individualization for each participant.

Cutting edge, interactive keynotes to set the stage for expeiential, collaborative learning.




Based on the morning disoveries, you will choose the DEEP Dives best suited for you.  This aspect of the weekend takes us to the creation and content building stages. 

Creativity is everything!

Discovery Sessions 


The morning discoveries allow you to further engage in discussion and relevance and lending you an experience that you can take away and continue learning later. 

Differentiate for yourslef throughoutnthe weekend.



We have redesigned the morning deliveies to be participant centered, relevant, and fun!

Experience a new way to begin a conference with interactive 


Session Designers

All practicing  teachers with a  wealth of experience

Keep checking this page for more topics like these (Click here for more detail)

Gamification By Design

DEEP Learning conferences are rooted in innovative teaching and learning including but not limited to leveraging Google apps for education, Apple technologies and Web 2.0 tools. The focus is on innovations in education and developing strategies for improved learning outcomes.

Creating iTunes U Courses to Enhance Inquiry Based Learning

Enabling SEN Learners to Access Curriculum via ICT

Techno Story Power! Tools that Empower Classrooms

Flipping the Classroom

Made Easy

Enabling SEN Learners to Access the Curriculum via ICT

Hook Your Students with Augmented Reality

Transforming Bad Ideas

Giving ELL Students a Voice

with the Help of iPads

Exracting Innovation in YOU

Building YOUR

Professional Learning Network

Job Alike: Who needs tech coaches?

STEAM/makerspace: Making Transdisciplinary Connections

Real World Connection Based Learning

The Connected Educator

Outta Site: Using Google Sites for Your Class, Department or Self

Magic of Gamification

Stop Motion Video & More on iPad

Designing Spaces: from the

Physical to the Virtual Classroom

Daily Outline

Flipping the Classroom Made Easy

Martyn Nayman

Considering the problems with time management for teachers, simple Flipping the Classroom techniques will allow teachers to differentiate tasks to enhance individualised learning for the students. 

Building your Professional Learning Network (PLN)

Vipula Sharma

Considering the problems with one size fits all professional learning programmes and the need for personalising training for educators, Professional Learning Networks can be used to support personal growth as needed by individuals.

STEAM/MakerSpace: Making Transdisciplinary Connections

Andrew Deir

Considering the problems with adding a new dimension to schools through STEAM, and the need of having it succeed, by connecting curriculum to STEAM in authentic ways, stakeholders will be able to better understand the benefits of the STEAM approach to learning, which enhances and individualizes learning more than ever before. 

Magic of Gamification

James Abela

Motivation is critical in the classroom and there is a clear need to bring in the gaming mechanisms that make video games so successful. This session will enable teachers to gamify their teaching and make use of motivational tools that will transform their classrooms. 

Giving English Language Learner (ELL) Students Greater Voice with the Help of iPads

Aynsley Smith

Considering the problems with confident speaking in ELL's, and the need for support by allowing students to use technology, the students will be able to make choices from a range of tools for their voices to be heard which enhances English Language Learning more than ever before. 

Empathy Driven Sessions

Session details Malaysia 2016

Shift From Video Consumer To Interactive Media Creator

Jay Thompson

Video communication is a fundamental part of our modern lifestyle, however it is clear that the millennial mindset toward video content is in a state of change. No longer can classroom teachers rely on passive video consumption for encouraging student engagement; instead we must begin to shift our focus towards pedagogical practices allowing students to personally engage with the creative process and take responsibility for their own media content.  

FAB (Formative Assessment Bundle) for Everyone

Liu Yijie

Instantaneous feedback has allowed teachers to evaluate understanding and make thinking visible, allowing students to articulate their thought processes engaging and personalizing learning more than ever. 

Rethinking Homework

Brendan Burke

Considering problems with setting relevant homework and getting students timely feedback to improve their learning, teachers can leverage automation to make homework specific to an outcome, then transform the learning activities they plan for the next lesson. 

Are YOU Tubing effectively?

Adrianna Astle

Considering the problems with time management, and the need for resource management by allowing teachers to use Youtube as a viable resource storage unit, students and teachers become able to use Youtube more effectively to enhance and engage teaching and learning. 

Students Love Stop Motion Animation

Steve Katz

Considering the challenges with movie making and the need to synthesize learning by allowing students to create digital stories, teachers will learn to empower students to create stop motion animations, engaging them like no other method of storytelling.

Design Sprint for Educators

Christianne Lynnette G. Cabanban

Considering the problems with classroom management and the need of effective communication and solution, by allowing teachers to do Design Sprint with their students, the educators along with the students will be able to use the interests of all stakeholders to imagine new solutions to transform and personalize learning. 

Enhancing Student Learning with Multi-media in the Elementary School

Chris Smith

Considering the problems with getting students engaged and the need for creating meaningful experiences by allowing students to have more variety for project development this session highlights strategies for enabling students to create multimedia projects to personalize their learning. 

Capturing Our Journey in Primary School

Katherine Hansen

Considering the problems with portfolios, and the need of student ownership by allowing students to create their own authentic artefacts, students need to be able to make presentations that individualises their learning more than ever before. -  A platform for immersive learning games

Geoffrey Derry

Considering the problems with content driven lessons and the efficacy of keeping students engaged by allowing teachers to create boxes and lessons, the students will need to cooperate, problem solve and communicate which engages  learning more than ever before. 

Keynote Like You've Never Seen It Before: Digital Story Telling+

Sean Thompson

Considering the problems facing teachers in terms of integrating technology authentically into their curricula, engaging student creativity and supporting students in the development of skills and understandings with visual literacy, digital story telling and demonstrating understanding, it is time we learned the truth about Keynote (and it's poor cousins Power point and Google Slides). You have no idea...

Designing Classroom Spaces: From the Physical to the Virtual

Sarah Phoenix

Considering the problem of the changing paradigms of education and the need to prepare our students for the transitional 21st century workplace by allowing teachers to be the designers of their own digitally interactive classroom incorporating flexible learning spaces with online resources. Students should be able to make connections and access materials which personalizes and differentiates their learning more than ever before. 

Feedback Frenzy: Improving Student Writing    

Blair Lockhart

Use tech tools to increase the quality & quantity of feedback to students, from you the teacher, peers & themselves. Considering the problems with time constraints and over-worked students, and the need for quality, timely feedback, students and teachers should be able to use effective and time-saving tools, which personalizes and individualizes learning more than ever before.    

Real World Connection Based Learning

Joe Teft

Considering the problem of climate change, and the need to connect to our natural world by allowing students/teachers to making meaningful connections we will be able to understand how we can use technology, time and space which can make a real difference in our shared planet. 

Using Visual Language in Your Classroom

Keriann O'Rourke

Visual communication surrounds each of us on a daily basis - from advertising, to media, to how we communicate with others. However, visual literacy also allows us to interpret, remember, and explain our own understandings of the world around us.

Internet Search Challenge

Rachel Burtrand

Considering the problems with information overload and the ability to just Google anything at anytime, this session incorporates a fun, team based challenge to solve a logical puzzle using a range of searching tools and techniques allowing you to explore more engaging strategies for building fundamental, if sometimes less than exciting, skills.

Techno-story-power: Tools that Empower Classrooms

Kieron Eaglestone

Considering the challenges with developing storytelling skills, and the need to create audiences for student's work, creating collaborative 'choose your own adventure stories' through audio, video and written mediums and publishing them inspires learning more than ever before. 

Bring Your Classroom to Life! 

Sam Crews

Want to hook your learners into a new topic? Learn how to use augmented reality (AR petting zoo; secret portals; GreenScreen; iMovie). If you want to bring subject matter to life. AR allows students to interact with a range of stimuli, further enhancing, engaging and differentiating learning and the entire classroom experience.

Creating iTunes U courses for the iPad

Alex Turner

Learn how to create and use iTunes U courses. I will show you an example from my own practice and talk through the structure, creation and benefits to learning.
Innovative Relevance: iTunes U is a great platform to facilitate learning and well suited to the iPad. It allows the learners to work at their own pace and encourages independence and student choice. As a flipped learning tool it can change the way you teach. It is especially effective when used to facilitate enquiry based learning. 

ReDesigning the Learning Experience

Wesley Przybylski

Considering the problems with effective change, educators can use the design process to collaboratively build new types of lessons.  Empathize, Define, Ideate, ProtoType, and Test.  These are the steps we will go through  for a total design thinking experience.  In this DT activity we will be focusing on redesigning the learning experience.  Gain a new understanding for a great new way to engage your students through empathy and collaborative ideation.

Gamification by Design

Wesley Przybylski

Considering the excitement that students have when playing games, how can we design lessons that leverage gaming techniques/strategies while enabling strong learning experiences. In order to get there, we will be playing some great collaborative games to get us thinking and then design our own games based on our needs and wants through a full Design Thinking activity.

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