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Future Ready Learning Malaysia, May 8-10

Saturday-Sunday for the regular conference (Saturday for ACA 1)

Commencing on Friday, May 8th for those opting for the Google Pre-conference.

Google Pre-conference

Google is truly everywhere. Join us for a full day of sessions crafted to help you raise the Google game at your school.

Technology in the classroom

Integration needs to be addessed in any class. Impart digital-age skills and improve learning across the curriculum. A variety of sessions on offer. See below for more detail.

Differentiated Instruction

We pride ourselves on bringing the best of many worlds together. We are confident you have never attended a professional development event where such emphasis has been placed on giving you the ability to craft your own personal experience. We make it our business to ensure the greatest possible value through differentiation for each participant.

AppsEvents Certified Admin

Future Ready Learning $249

    +AppsEvents Certified Admin $299

    + Google Apps Pre-conference $329

    +BOTH $379


Includes meals and refreshments.

Takeaway Projects are put in place to ensure optimal learning. We help you develop something to take back to your school, ready to implement.


20-minute Discovery Sessions in the morning allow you to learn something new and enable you to make informed choices about which afternoon sessions best suit your unique environment.


50-minute DEEP Dives after lunch allow you to gain further insight and take your learning to a deeper level.

Recent Testimonials from DEEP Learning Workshop Participants


I really liked many topics in this conference. It's inspired me to improve my teaching process.

Ms. Rommanee Panomwan Na Ayudhaya


So many interesting topics that you cannot make up your mind where to go next!

Joseph S. Beloria


The Discovery and DEEP Dive format is powerful.

Sara Schneeberg

Internationally acclaimed keynote speakers and presenters!

Suan Yeo is the Education Evangelist for Google in the Asia-Pacific region. He works closely with educators and administrators on helping schools and universities, teachers and students go Google. A Google veteran of 12+ years, Suan worked in 7 offices, 5 countries and 3 product teams before finally creating his dream job of working with teachers and students on technology-enabled learning.


2015 is shaping up to be the biggest year for Google to be recognised as a world leader in education. While Suan’s 2014 goal was to create an #eduwin for everyone he worked with, his focus on 2015 will be on empowering learners to seize the opportunity to make a positive difference in the world. “Focus on the learner and all else will follow”.


Suan currently lives in Sydney where he enjoys the wonderful beaches and 300 days of sunshine a year with his awesome wife and two wonderful kids.

Jay Atwood is the High School Educational Technology Coordinator at Singapore American School where he is responsible for leading ed tech planning, professional learning, and technology integration with the goal of improved student learning. He's a Google Certified Teacher, Google Education Trainer, a Lead Learner at Google Teacher Academies in Asia-Pacific, Australia, Europe and the US and a Common Sense Digital Citizenship Certified Educator.


With a passion for training teachers in the effective use of technology married with contemporary pedagogy. Jay is a self-proclaimed nerdy teacher and for the past 20 years has worked at international schools in Egypt, Taiwan and Singapore and has served as an educational consultant for schools in the US, Europe, Asia and Australia. Previously, Jay was a Deputy Chief Examiner for IB Psychology with a strong background in teacher and examiner training, curriculum development, assessment and online learning.

Google for Education Pre-conference

Brady Cline

Building community through creative social media


This special workshop will be imbedded into the whole conference. Throughout the conference, Brady will serve as social-media evangelist with Twitter challenges, Google+ back-channels, and a collaborative film making project to document and reflect on our learning. Get ready to experience the power (and fun) of a social media-rich event. 

Wesley Przybylski

Video Creation for Higher Learning


With the availability of video creation on virtually any device, teachers can create engaging activities that stretch imagination, creativity, and metacognition. This session will give you the understandings and skills to further inspire your students and take their learning to a deeper level.

Sean Thompson

Visual Literacy Boot Camp


"When technology shifts, it bends the culture."

Visual communication is a fundamental part of the digital-age. Teachers need to create more effective pieces of visual communication from posters and charts to infographics and enable their students to do likewise.


Web designers and bloggers neglect developing these skills at their own peril.This session aims to raise awareness of basic design principles to this end.

Jared Wilson

Activate Your Brain for Effective Search Results


Internet searching has been around for 20 years now. Most students, however, barely scratch the surface of a true internet search, beyond using simple keyword searches and performing "advanced searches" by adding a plus or a minus here or there.


This session will explain to you why students really dislike searching the internet by drawing on brain-based research, when students should start searching the internet and will look at how you can help your students to be more effective. I will also give you a deep dive into some amazingly useful tools in the world's most widely used search engine - Google

Daryl Davis Apas


YouTube in the classroom & AppsEvents Certified Admin Level 1


Technology now allows us to teach students 21st century skills and enables us to discover, create and share original video creations. Learn how to engage through YouTube, provide guided assessment, flip your class and so much more.


We will look at how we can take advantage of the power of video. 


Joe Teft

Technology in Environmental Education


We will be exploring how we can use different technological tools to deepen our understanding of the world around us, develop a sense of place within our school community using technology and connecting to other environmental educators.

Jessica Hale

The AppleTV and Your Classroom


For this extended session, we will design an entire lesson around the use of an iPad and the AppleTV. Come ready with an idea, objectives, or an existing lesson plan that you would like to redefine with the use of technology. Specific challenge and rubric will be provided for you at the session.

Mike Pelletier and Joe Teft

The Goople Effect


As a Google Apps and Apple iPad school, hence the name Goople, we have tested and set up a working model for a successful mix of Edxis Chromebooks and Apple iPads with Google Apps as the work flow hub. We would like to display our digital workflow, and approaches to teaching and learning using these mixed tools in a PYP environment.

​Emily MacLean

Game-based Learning in YOUR Classroom


Games are fun: players achieve goals, gain rewards, receive instant feedback on their performance and games are highly engaging. This session will explore how you can use the principles of game based learning and gamification in your classroom using practical examples and discussions within a gamified workshop environment.

Nick Dykes

Plan, Teach & Assess Using Google & Add-ons

The focus will be on how google can be an effective and efficient way of sharing and assessing work. Participants will work in teams to create a sequence of lessons using Google to pre-assess, plan, teach & then assess the learning of the children.

Vipula Sharma / Michael Riding

Integrating technology with Tackk, Google

Docs & Canva


In this participant driven session you will explore how to create your own learning maps from which to craft differentiated interactive lessons for your students.


Emily Roth

Demonstrating Learning, Tour-Builder Style!


Are your students sick and tired of presenting information in the same way (a Google doc, iMovie, Prezi, etc)? Then, it's time you introduce them to the amazing tool called Tour Builder!


Google Earth's Tour Builder marries the power of Google Earth with the beauty of digital storytelling. In this session, participants will create their own tour and discover a variety of ways this wonderful tool could be implemented across the curriculum and grade levels (elementary to university!).

Whitney Baker

The Paperless Classroom: New Vision CloudLab Tools (Site Maestro & Doctopus)


Where to put the amazing, digital artifacts your students are creating, or showcase weekly blogs, podcasts, photo galleries, and much, much more?  Harness the power of Google Apps for Education AddOns and provide your students with personalized containers and displays of their achievement with siteMaestro and Google Sites.  Create, disseminate, monitor and assess student tasks and challenges all from Google Drive using Doctopus & Goobric.  Do all of these things in an orderly, efficient way that you may never have thought possible. Say goodbye to the solo teacher audience, paper, binders, and hello to community audiences and more time for the stuff that really counts! 

Martin Mullan

Redefining the Exercise Book


The SAMR model and the group exercise book, consideration of group sizes (Mayer, R.) and presentation design inform this workhop from the outset. Participants will:


  • Build a GSlide eExercise Book for students

  • Create rubrics to target fundamental skills

Possible Extensions
Attach Goobric
Mark with new Doctopus and Audio feedback

Sultan Rana

Creating Your Teacher's Desk Cloud


For the sake of the environment and our sanity, it is time to say goodbye to piles of papers, and stacks of marking. Also, it is time that we keep better records of student progress and achievement. This is where the Teacher's Cloud Desk comes in.


Participants will learn how we can use our smartphones, tablets, and computers in conjunction with a variety of apps (iOS, Android, and Chrome Extensions) to mark our student's work, share it with them and parents, and also keep a record of it for progress, moderated marking or (in private school situations) ministry audit purposes.

Adrianna Astle

Creating a Class Blog


After examining a class blog currently in use, participants will then work with iPads to collaborate on the construction of a blog set up for the weekend. There will be an examination of Easy Blogger, Jr., an iPad app before, finally, participants will set up class blogs of their own using By the end of the session, participants will have the beginnings of a class blog, ready for students on Monday morning.

Rachel Burtrand

Simple Robotics


Learn to build simple robotic models using Hummingbird & Makey Makey kits with Snap & Scratch software. Robotics is a fun, hands on way to deliver elements of Design for robotics, Programming and Control, based around a variety of themes.


Discover the workings of three different models aimed at upper primary through to middle school, through hands on investigation. You can then choose one of the three to go deeper with for the afternoon session where you will learn to build and code the model before a short practical session to plan and gather ideas for the classroom.

Martyn Nayman

Websites to Create Fun Learning Environments


Participants will have a look at three websites in depth and use them to create their own games and quizzes. They will be shown shortcuts and then shown how to use them for assessment for learning in the classroom. Finally, participants will be shown how to embed them into blogs or sites meaning they can take away with them fully functioning educational games which can be immediately used in the classroom.

Graeme Lazell

Stop animation using iPads

The Extended session will ask for participants to work collaboratively with a group total of 2/3

Challenge 1 - Make movie and background - extra resources will be available for participants to add their own creativity.

Challenge 2- Export animation and complete editing with iMovie. Creativity at this point is endless.

Sunny Thakral

Plan B - Dealing with Tech Failures

Showing little tricks on how best to cope with tech failures. From using Google Docs offline to collaborative learning, the discovery session will cover a wide variety of scenarios from Internet failures to device failure to panic mode i.e. when an observer walks in and your projector fails.

Andy Smith

Tech Tools for Analysing Learner Performance

Together we'll take a look at a few of the very best ways to record and analyse learner performance. Initially these Apps were intended for Physical Education but through extensive use, have developed more uses across curricula and age ranges.


Particiapnts will work collaboratively to explore ideas/solutions that they can implement in their classrooms straight away.

Workshop Objectives


  • To discover innovative teaching and learning strategies that lead to higher levels of student achievement through collaborative, inquiry based best practice.

  • To engage in a collaborative, participant centered experiences rooted in constructivist practice.

  • To experience current digital tools and innovative ideas through hands on challenges and collaboration.

  • To participate actively with 21st century tools and cutting edge pedagogy to share with colleagues upon returning to school.

  • To create a professional atmosphere in which participants can collaboratively develop skills and understandings to inform more effective teaching. 

  • To facilitate sustainable professional learning communities and engender attitudes of fearlessness in teaching practice.

The goal of this conference is to create sustainable communities of passionate educators that choose to learn and share their experiences. We are pleased to be offering an official Google Apps Administrator course as an added value strand on Saturday.


The Saturday and Sunday DEEP learning conference follows our unique format in which you choose your discovery path with six different presentations in the morning designed to help you decide which DEEP dive sessions you will attend in the afternoon. These challenge based focus sessions are further designed to support the development of your takeaway project to help you maximise your conference experience.

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